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Suzhou storming, automation equipment co., LTD. Is that the government of suzhou high-tech enterprises, is a professional enterprise for the factory to provide logistics automation production line system, industrial assembly line equipment, storage shelves equipment, coating equipment and to provi...

tel: 86+0512 66309733    
phones : 013914751738
fax: 86 0512 66309732
adr:China jiangsu wuzhong district suzhou city hengjing new ideas 1
Belt production
Wave soldering
Chain plate
Drum line
Plug-in line
Times speed
Home appliance
Food line
Auto parts
Suspension line
Automation plan
Automation plane
Automation plane
GWSH - 300 automatic high wave soldering machine
GLC - 350 type automatic cutting foot machine
GWSD - 300 type automatic double wave soldering machine
GWSN - 350 - c type automatic computer
GBI - 350 type straight type plug-in line (chain)
Wave soldering furnace unit
Stainless steel food and
Engine assembly line
Heavy beam type shelf

All rights reserved: suzhou storming, automation equipment co., LTD.
Address: jiangsu wuzhong district suzhou city hengjing new ideas 1
tel:0512-66309733  phones:13914751738  web:www.daditan.com   mailbox :chenyubao118@163.com   You are the guest

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